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视界·英文美句 重温前面60句: 最适合发朋友圈的60句英文金句! 61Fortune favors the bold. 好运眷顾勇者 62Only those who capture the moment are real. 把握当下才是真 63Life i...【篇一】唯美简短的英文句子精选1.Please don't see me off.The journey I'm walking on alone is lonely and dangerous. -请不要为我送行。我即将独自踏上的旅途是孤独且布满荆棘...

羊舌曼辞Fitzg 这些英文短句读起来感觉好有力量,我也想试试看。 2023-12-12 湖北 回复 赞 93j2sdda There is more to come. 2023-10-28 河北 回复 赞 乾贝丽 我也想学习一些...每一天都是一个重新开始的机会。这些短句鼓励我们面对人际关系、追梦、坚持、充实自己和珍惜每一天。21. Everything you can imagine is real.你想象的一切皆有可能。22. You miss...

英文美句 01 If I could, I surely would. 如果可以,我绝对愿意! 02 Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. 生活就像...跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己 🤍 May everything you do for it have romantic results.愿一切为之努力的事情,都有浪漫的结果。 🤍 In the face of love, spare no effort ...