我的房间英语作文8句_this is my room作文5句

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你在想,我要是不干他,身边的人会不会认为我是废物啊。我要是干了,没干过,身边人会不会认为我...This is my bedroom. There is a desk near the window. There are many books on the desk. My bed is near the desk. There is a chair beside the bed. There ...

╯﹏╰ 一、英语这样做,还能再提升20分二、政治这样做,小白70+不是梦! 一、英语这样做,还能再提升20分 英语最后一个月怎么突击? 宝子们记住一句话:作文和阅读最重要,...我的房间英文作文 篇1 I have a lovely bedroom. It is small but clean and beautiful. The wall is light green and the floor is white. There is a bed in...

下面是小编 为大家整理的关于我的房间英语作文(通用 8 篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。 我的房间英语作文 篇 1 My room is small, but comfortable and clean. Take the door, on the l...我知道有的同学看到标题会觉得我英语底子一定很好,其实学姐是英语渣渣一枚,四级427刚刚飘过。靠着考研完成了逆袭!我是从8月开始复习考研的,大概从10月开始准备英语作文,最后英语作...

我的卧室英语作文 篇1 My bedroom is small.There is a bed in my bedroom.The bed is green.It is on the left.There is a small table in my bedroom.There are same magzines o...有许多照片在墙上.我十分喜爱我的房间. 30549 介绍自己家的英语作文,带翻译. My homeMy family is a happy family.Every day,happy,happy.Now I tell you:The ...

我的房间初一英语作文 篇1 My room is very simple but warm. My room’s color is white. At first, I think it is too drap, but now think it is comforta...英语作文我的房间 篇1 My room is not big, but its clean and tidy. There is a bed of course. Above the bed, there is a picture of Yaoming, my favorite...